YACEE Silicone Dog Food Mat Waterproof, Easy Clean in Dishwasher


The Yacee Silicone Dog Food Mat is a unique and stylish way to keep your pets fed. Made of 100% premium food-grade silicone, it is hypoallergenic and BPA free. The mat features an oval design that fits the shape of most dog food bowls, and has a teal color that will go with any dcor. The anti skid surface prevents dog bowls from moving, and the super high outer lip keeps all the mess contained on the mat and off the floor. The Yacee Silicone Dog Food Mat is easy to clean and is dishwasher safe. It also features a 10-year money back guarantee, so you can be sure it’s a quality product.

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  • The product is a dog food mat that is dishwasher safe.
  • It has a unique design that helps prevent spills.
  • Made of 100% premium food grade silicone
  • Hypoallergenic and BPA free
  • Comes with a 10 year money back guarantee