Dog Poop Bag Holder with Dispenser


Brand: Tuff Mutt

The Tuff Mutt Dog Poop Bag Holder is perfect for carrying your dog’s waste in a bag. The wide, easy-to-open pouch allows you to discreetly store the full bag until you’re able to find the next trash can. The odor-blocking activated carbon lining keeps the smell at bay, and the water resistant shell makes cleaning super simple. The adjustable waist belt and convenient waste bag compartment make this bag a must-have on all of your doggy adventures.

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  • The product is a dog poop bag holder with dispenser, which can hold up to three full bags.
  • It has an odor blocking activated carbon lining and is airtight and water resistant.
  • The pouch is oversized and made to comfortably fit dogs of various sizes.
  • It comes with a pull out waterproof lining and a waste bag compartment.