SunGrow Baby Shrimp Food, Essential Yellow Probiotic Powder Enzyme


Brand: SunGrow

The SunGrow Baby Shrimp Food is a high-quality, nutrient-rich food that is specially designed to help baby shrimp in surviving. Studies have shown that only 1 in 10 baby shrimp survive until adulthood, so adding this food to your tank is a great way to increase the odds that your pet will make it to adulthood. This food is made of a nutritional mix of ingredients that include 14.1% crude protein, 14.3% raw fiber, 19.7% crude fat and 10.8% crude ash. It is easy to add to your tank and will quickly start to hatch and grow.

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  • The product is made with a nutritional mix of ingredients designed to help baby shrimp survive.
  • It adds critical elements to your water, making it more likely that baby shrimp will survive.
  • The tiny organisms that are hatched from the powder are not only excellent feed for baby shrimps and fish fries (baby fish), but they also have other incredibly positive side effects.
  • It keeps your aquarium water clear